Update on my stuff. The compressor I got
is a straight up piece of *feces*. The first time I fired it up the compressor cranked and cranked but never got pressure higher than 25 psi. So I took it back to Home Depot and exchanged it for another. This one compressed just fine, but when the motor stopped there was obvious audible signs of an air leak. Monitoring showed a loss of about 10 psi per 5 minutes. Not really a big deal, but still irritating for a brand new unit. I decided to see if I could deal with it. I emptied the tank because I wasn't going to use it until the next day.
When I went back to the garage the following day I fired it up again and it wouldn't reach pressure higher than 70 psi. I turned it off, jiggled the hose fitting a little bit and figured out that the leak wasn't in the hose, nor was it a loose fitting, but was something under the cover, which couldn't be repaired without taking the unit apart. Again, this seemed unreasonable for a brand new compressor.
I took it back to Home Depot. The girl at the returns desk indicated to me that this was the third of the same unit she'd had returned this week. She then asked me if I wanted to try another. I politely declined and asked to be refunded.
I was going to buy a Porter Cable compressor, but this store was sold out, so I went to Lowes, and bought this one:
I used it tonight to grip my new clubs. So far so good. It's more powerful and quieter to boot. Whew, that turned out longer than I anticipated.