I've been running over the past few months. Nothing much -- typically 3.0-3.5 miles at lunch or after work, usually with a coworker who doesn't smoke or smell of champagne and bubble bath.
Anyway, a couple weeks ago, I ran alone at lunch in a bit of a pelting rain. It cooled things off, though, which was a welcome break from the 90s-n-humid weather we'd been having. My Nike DriFit performance jersey is a light, drapey affair, even when wet. A far cry from the old days when I ran in cotton and it plastered itself when damp. Well, that drapey performance fabric also turns out to be somewhat abrasive when wet.
Post-run, I noticed a bit of soreness in the, um ... nippular area. Hopped in the shower and AAAHHH! I'm pretty sure folks in the break room heard my "Sonafa
bitch!" when the hot water hit me. No pictures, gentle Reader, but suffice it to say that the pixelation has been rubbed clean off. I daresay I'd be in less pain if I were to disguise myself as a small child and have a pit bull bite 'em off.
It's been two weeks, and the freakin' nubbies still hurt when anything brushes on them. Dammit! I've actually had to resort to sticking a couple of those stupid little circular Band-Aids on there to provide a barrier.
And don't tell me to HTFU -- that just makes them hurt more.
I also had the pleasure of wondering what company Internet usage alarms were sounded when I went Googling for "nipple + (abrasion or chafe or diddling)".
[edited to remove the [rant] tag, as it hides the thread from me!]