January 22, 2025, 03:57:51 PM
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  Summary - dystopia Picture/Text
Name: dystopia
Posts: 7929 (1.184 per day)
Time Online: 110 days, 11 hours and 5 minutes.
Posting Rate: 2.99 posts per hour
Position: Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Current Status: Offline Offline
Karma: 94
(starting 9/20/2007)
*applause* on 10/14/2012 In topic
lmao! not other reason needed.
*applause* on 10/07/2012 In topic
that's gold!
*applause* on 07/24/2010 In topic
May the Farce be with you.
*applause* on 07/23/2010 In topic
for raising the bar on the intergoogles today, I applaud thee
*smite* on 01/26/2010 In topic
Einstein is not amused
*applause* on 12/20/2009 In topic
Oh, that made me spit beer at the screen.
*applause* on 08/02/2009 In topic
Pink Floyd and Dune in one post? Beyond kickass. +gazillion.
*applause* on 07/06/2009 In topic
LMAO! :~)
*applause* on 07/04/2009 In topic
so true
*applause* on 04/01/2009 In topic
LOL and it's been a while.
*applause* on 02/27/2009 In topic
just cuz
*applause* on 02/13/2009 In topic
white gold wielder ftw
*applause* on 02/13/2009 In topic
Never gets old.
*applause* on 01/29/2009 In topic
for Outstand Performance in intergooglerogatory!!!
*applause* on 11/21/2008 In topic
*applause* on 11/08/2008 In topic
Aske in 10
*applause* on 09/24/2008 In topic
Green Jacket for you.
*applause* on 08/07/2008 In topic
this is what karma is all about
*applause* on 08/06/2008 In topic
Plaque in the ladies' room! Brilliant!
*applause* on 07/28/2008 In topic
Paul Simon FTW
*applause* on 07/18/2008 In topic
God created babies to train the faithful.
*applause* on 07/18/2008 In topic
What, no Han?
*applause* on 04/25/2008 In topic
Very clever! Golden, in fact.
*applause* on 04/14/2008 In topic
ambivalence ftw!
*applause* on 04/12/2008 In topic
LOL Tron.
*applause* on 03/30/2008 In topic
Oh, you can find some gems. LOL
*applause* on 03/26/2008 In topic
Cool (but time consuming) website
*applause* on 03/12/2008 In PM
The Wizard of Oz would be wise to learn from you...
*applause* on 03/03/2008 In topic
clive can you hear me, its me stoh.....
*applause* on 02/21/2008 In topic
+1 BTW on the thread title! : D
*applause* on 02/13/2008 In topic
*applause* on 02/11/2008 In topic
You wait, little girl, on an empty stage
*applause* on 02/04/2008 In topic
Thanks! 8)
*applause* on 01/24/2008 In topic
helpin' a lame ass brother!
*applause* on 01/22/2008 In topic
great flacid in lake placid post.
*applause* on 01/21/2008 In topic
Start sniffing glue : D
*smite* on 01/18/2008 In topic
Ewww that's naaaaaasty...sorry had to do this =)
*applause* on 01/16/2008 In topic
*applause* on 01/05/2008 In topic
lonely poll maker needs the love
*applause* on 12/10/2007 In topic
Motivational poster
*applause* on 12/10/2007 In topic
*applause* on 12/10/2007 In topic
Procrastination. LOL
*applause* on 12/10/2007 In topic
*applause* on 12/05/2007 In topic
LOL Them Duke boys.
*applause* on 11/30/2007 In topic
What? You have some sort of magic thread cross-referencer?
*applause* on 11/30/2007 In topic
Kidd Video. lol.
*applause* on 11/15/2007 In topic
LOL Ass kickin' raincheck! Brilliant.
*applause* on 11/12/2007 In topic
Bill VonTrapp! LOL Beautiful.
*applause* on 11/07/2007 In topic
LOL beer drinking stroh thanks you.
*applause* on 11/04/2007 In topic
firefox sucks
*applause* on 10/31/2007 In topic
Nice shrimp! ; )
*applause* on 10/30/2007 In topic
LOL. I am Muad'Dib.
*applause* on 10/29/2007 In topic
Wow! Impressive. I was looking all over for that.
*applause* on 10/23/2007 In topic
Commissioner Gordon surrenders
*applause* on 10/23/2007 In topic
*applause* on 10/01/2007 In topic
easy peasy!
*applause* on 09/27/2007 In topic
And just like that... he was gone.
*applause* on 09/25/2007 In topic
because he is the boss!!
*applause* on 09/21/2007 In PM
a cynical yet successful karma pander
Date Registered: September 25, 2006, 08:21:16 AM
Last Active: August 25, 2022, 11:37:59 AM
Ignored by: 0 member

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Gender: Male
Age: N/A
Location: Silicon Valley
Local Time: January 22, 2025, 03:57:51 PM


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