A very nice group of guys. Karma to all.
The golf hasn't changed. It's been about 4 years since I've been there and Bandon is truly a place a golfer needs to visit at least once.
When we went into a holding pattern above Minneapolis last night due to the snowstorm, I was trying to think what to tell Susan if I showed up with hobbit and Clive had they missed their connections.
Long, long story short....I had to show up a day late to the festivities. When I arrived it was late and Spanky (my roommate) was soundly asleep. I felt a bit odd walking into a room with someone I hadn't yet met in the other bed. And thinking - I hope to god they gave me the right room key because if that ain't Spanky he is going to freak out in the morning.
I was arguably in the top 4 of tallest attendees.
The barkeep at McKee's Pub knows how to pour a Guinness. With the clover on top. The best.
The weather could not have been better. It was hard to believe that it was December and I'm guessing it was sweet payback for the guys who endured the typhoon last year.
When they started to pre-board our flight yesterday and started with "those who need assistance and people with small children" Clive noted we could probably step right up with hobbit in tow.
Clive shot a net 62 with birdie-birdie on 10 and 11 Saturday. Bandit.
Thanks to those who coordinated this event and it was very nice to meet all of you. I look forward to seeing you again.