As he said - joke n all.
mfawg believes all the trouble in the world is the fault of conservatives - hence the 'personal responsibility' stuff.
I would have said its his own fault - but if they didn't tell him they were doing it (turning off the power) ..... fuggem, and sue em!
1) MFAWG doesn't actually believe that all the trouble in the world is caused by conservatives, but MFAWG DOES believe that alot of the trouble in America of late has been caused by an excess of conservatism.
Nothing exceeds like excess.
2) MFAWG is endlessly amused by how the 'Personal Responsibility Crowd' has refused to take any of the responsibility for the excesses of said Conservatism, right down to deciding to call the current recession 'The Obama Recession' every time a camera is turned on. I could add endless examples(seriously, 2 or 3 pages), but that's just the latest one.
That's not personal responsibility we can believe in, is it now?
3) MFAWG is really a little tired of having to be careful about hurting conservatives feelings, even ones he like like Hobbit, so MFAWG would suggest that Hobbit not put words in MFAWGS mouth any more, or it may be 'On Like Donkey Kong', and Hobbit will lose, just like he did last November.
So go piss up a rope and take your hurt feelings over to Red State or Free Republic where they still believe that an excess of conservatism is anything but excessive.
4) MFAWG has a pretty good buzz on, and the seasonal ale that they were serving at the Birds game is pretty good, but not great.
I'm sorry about what happened to that man, and it's really not very hard to roll some 8.50 an hour contract worker past the dudes house every couple of days , is it?