I don't know what it is, but he just lacks gravitas. Maybe it's that Carter Syndrome (or is it Mickelson Syndrome) of smiling just a shade too much of the time ... At this time, there's just something about him that makes me not take him entriely seriously as a presidential candidate.
He's a trial lawyer!
The most notable thing about Edwards in '04 was the way he was able to move poll numbers in primaries where he was a total unknown previously. He had a knack for coming into a state in single digits and then moving up incredibly well in a short span of time. People really liked him when they got to know him. The odd thing was that he sort of *choked?* once he was tapped to be VP. Whatever he had going when he was on his own didn't translate while he campaigned for/with Kerry. Perhaps it was Kerry that was the problem (hardly far fetched...Kerry was the worst thing put forth by either party since Dukakis in '88). It's hard to look good when you're stumping for a dud.
I think now is the time for Edwards to make a move. If you had to place bets right now you'd be smart to bet on a Democrat winning in '08, so if he passes now there's a good chance he wouldn't get another shot until 2016 when he'd be 63 years old and not nearly as relevant in politics as he is now.
Plus the time is right for an upbeat populist and Edwards can play that role. He'll be more polished this time around, and the things that sunk Kerry really can't be attached to Edwards so he should be able to make a fairly clean start.