I know this is tough. As an adult, I moved from the land of spacey and Uisce to Charlotte, NC, a few months before my wife could join me. She was working full-time, selling the house, and a week into it found out she was pregnant with child #1 (for the 3rd time...). I flew her out once and went back a couple of weekends, in addition to the regular phone calls.
As a kid, I went through this twice. Once when I was heading into 3rd grade (9 month separation as my dad finished his residency in UT and we moved to Boston). Four years later we moved the summer before 7th grade (6 month separation for the move from Boston to Rochester, MN). It certainly was tough as a kid (though I don't remember a lot of specifics), but boy as an adult I REALLY appreciate the moving around, despite the temporary hardships. Back then, not a lot of calls, as they were just too expensive.
Point being, you can get through it and kids are usually quite resilient. Not that we needed it, I know my wife and I both gained a greater appreciation for each other. Moving to a new city without a core support group of folks we knew, moving to Charlotte really forced us to rely on each other for support. I'll check with my folks to see what suggestions they might have.
Are you going to be able to spend some weekends with them?
Thank you so much for you post. Nice and comforting in a way to just read it.
Yeah, we will be attempting to fly here or there. We'll see each other. I guess my big thing was how quickly things seemed to cave in/fall apart/blow up/ just plain not work. After such a short time. Or so it seemed. Maddie in tears, karen pulling her hair out, etc. Every thing will be fine, and we will all be the better for it. Some day.