Rich Corinthian Leather Jacket From: The Land of 10,000+ Slushy Ice Rinks
Karma: 23 Posts: 5095
Another Season, another time...
« on: September 08, 2010, 03:46:40 PM » |
Well, everyone, once again it's been several months since either Torpedo or I have posted one a daily basis. Poor Kev has only been golfing once this summer, and I have yet to get out on a course larger than a neighborhood mini golf course. But alas, it matters not. (You guys still don't golf anyway... do you?) Even so, things are changing for us now. Indeed, we have already entered a time of transition. Since we count you all among our friends, we want to share something that is dear to our hearts, knowing that you really do care to know. Actually, I've wanted to post this for some time, but we've needed to stay offline. (Yes, we still have dial-up... that's one thing that hasn't changed.)
It's been a good summer for us so far, even though it hasn't been an easy summer. Many of you are probably aware, especially those of you have been here since the "old days", that for the past 10 years we live with our paternal grandmother, taking care of the needs she has due to Alzheimer's Disease. Grandma (or "Grammy" as my littlest siblings call her) has not had an easy time physically for the last 8 months or so. Around Mother's Day, she started doing very well, up & about more, going for walks, etc. But time passed and on Independence Day, her physical needs heightened again. Soon, yet oh-so-slowly, August came. On the 24th her suffering ended when she went to be with her Saviour Jesus Christ ... and so peacefully too, without any pain or agitation, not even needing any medications to assist her comfort level. Because there was a time when she put her personal trust in Jesus Christ alone, knowing that she's with Him has been our greatest comfort & confidence. It's also wonderful to know that she's now reunited with my grandfather & other loved ones as well, including her twin sister, and no longer confused or mostly blind & deaf.
We have so much to praise our Lord for, the many answered prayers and the way we have already been able to reach out to family & friends. During this time, our greatest desire & our greatest prayer is that all glory & honor would go to our Lord Jesus Christ, and that our friends & loved ones would come to know His saving grace.
I know we'll all miss her. There have already been so many times I've thought of her, anticipating her needing something, or expecting to hear her clear her throat to get our attention. But if you could you could see me now, you'd also know that I'm not sorrowing my days away. Instead, you would see my heart is full with a peace-filled joy, and still a smile to fill my face.