From my youngest, she'll be 18 this week.
18 HolesWhen we arrived we decided to stroll, we didn't want to arrive to quickly to each hole.
Hole 1 was a lovely par 4, I was crawling and walking and wanting more.
The 2nd hole looked a bit tough, but using my words made it less rough.
We'll take a break on hole 3...Daddy wow! I'm a big girl now.
The nap on hole 4 was quite alright, I didn't forget "I love you good night".
I awoke on hole number 5 only to find 13 more years to strive.
On number 6 the knowledge I gained, is we're ok, but you're insane.
On hole 7 you rested with eyes closed, as I read you quietly dozed.
One hole number 8 we moved around, and on a different green the ball was found.
We laughed and played on hole number 9, playing and jumping and no constraints of time.
On 10 my smile was just a little smaller, on this hole I had a mouth full of metal and I grew a bit taller.
Hole 11 I just had to strike a pose, as my inner model slightly arose.
On hole number 12 we had to move slow, the country was frightened by a terror show.
Hole 13 I was hard to control, this wild child wasn't easily patrolled.
14 and everything is Ivory, vacation and trips and paying the toll.
On hole 15 I birdied with that first report card and I was freed.
On hole 16 I sped just a bit, with these keys I'd never quit.
The smile was big by hole 17, the rated "R" movies could be seen.
Hole 18 at one time seemed far, but it's looking as if I might make par.Remember the thread this past week about the little things, the little gifts. I hope each of you had a "little gift", they are the best.