Not sure who's in the areas or even which folder at Golfhos this would go in, so ...
Kevin Baird (KBaird) passed away on October 26, 2004. [FGI tribute page [link=]here[/link].] As the linked page tells, Kevin was a one-in-a-million guy. Friendly, honest, helpful, generous, positive -- for every word, Kevin was the first person who popped into our heads. I'm not alone in feeling that Kevin's example has helped people become kinder, gentler people.
To remember Kevin, inconsistant suggested a memorial tournament in Kevin's home state of Texas back in 2005. With a good number of FGIers out here in North Carolina, I suggested a parallel event here, with some friendly competition between the two groups. Setup and recap threads are here:
Planning kicked off too late in the year in 2006 to get one done. Well, sir, we're three months out from October, which is a nice time weather-wise for these locales. Inconsistant and I need time to lock in courses, so I'm posting this now to see what we have to work with.
Cost is usually greens fees plus a $5 donation to KBaird's charities. It's my understanding that both charities work with under-privileged and/or at-risk youths. As well, it's a great way to meet other FGIers, play some golf, tell some tales, and remember a guy whose participation really made this forum special.
TEXAS FOLKS: Please post or email inconsistant with your preliminary interest.
NORTH/SOUTH CAROLINA FOLKS: Please post or email me with your preliminary interest. I have some leeway to site the event (anywhere in the Durham-Gastonia-Charlotte triangle, depending on who's interested).