Mission accomplished.
Nice! Everything go as planned?
No, not really.
Everything came out of the facility slick as a whistle. I had even gone to the extreme of breaking all rack mount screws free in preparation. Zip, zip, zip - 90 minutes tops. Hour to load, transport, unload. Installing in new racks took about four hours. Not unexpected but very little good luck came our way. Then there was the flaky ethernet adaptor (x2) and critically misconfigured DNS (one record on one zone but it was exactly the wrong one) and four hours of fighting BSD/MacOSX with two guys who are *nix sysadmins of genius quality - minimum. Said level nine wizards don't much like Stevie's version of operating system at this point. LOL, what can I do.
I did get in the way though so perhaps I performed a necessary role. At the end of the day (beginning really, just about dawn) I was the one who actually got it all working. Woot with a wimper.
All seems to be well now. Finally had to hit the pillow after 32 hours without sleep. Only got about three but at least I woke up to only one ticket and it was someone else's fault.
Thanks for the well wishes. Karma to all.