so which of your hd-dvds have you now watched so far and how do you rank them (movie, PQ, AQ, etc)!
Woefully few.
AQ on Flags of our Fathers was great. Movie doesn't touch the book.
Liked the PQ on Batman Begins and, of course, it's a great movie.
Watched The Sting late at night and volume down so can't speak to AQ. PQ was pretty good for an old movie. Grainy but only as you'd expect given the original.
Polar Express - Good on both I'd say although I was kinda reading while we, as a family, watched.
Dysturbia is a good movie. To be honest, that was the first I watched on the new system and I was so blown away I'm not sure I can judge it relative to the others.
C and the CF. Crap movie. Lost interest and paid the bills or something. PQ seemed pretty top notch IIRC.
What else...?
Oh, actually Transformers was the first movie we watched, not Dystubia, and it's A+++ in all three criteria. Crappy DD+ audio blew me away. Imagine what it would have been like lossless.
I'll have to peruse the HDM drawer and report back with others. Unfortunately, many of the movies I bought aren't kid friendly and I refrain from watching them late as I can't crank the sound. I may only get to a few of them when Tracy and the kids go out of town without me (as they do once or twice a year.)