1. Nb1-c3
{ a wasteful flank opening that has long since fallen out of favor due to it's inability to develop the center quickly without a backwards pawn and its uber-slow developign initiative towards a possible queenside pawn thrust}
{strategically inferior to d5, however it was chosen based on a guess as to what the opponent would do in respose}
2. g2-g4
{better here was e4 which delivers the immediate counterpunch to the d5 square that I was hoping to get to in the next 2-3 moves. g2-g3 is better than g2-g4, for what should be obvious reasons in protecting the kingside castling given this is a fianchetto developer. why are you opening queenside knight if you want kingside fianchetto, btw?}
2.. e7-e6
{I'll get my d5 one way or another, and slow down your g pawn if need arise}
3. Ng1-h3
{2 moves too late, and e4 is still your best move here}
{well, if you just want to give it to me, thanks}
4. b2-b3
{trying a dual fianchetto? why do it with the pawns in the wrong ranks? g3, b4... *maybe*. pushing your g pawn here and forcing me into a defensive position to slow me down is your best move here imho}
{i might want this on c6 at some point. if not, it can attack g4 from here, too}
5. Bf1-g2
{e3 was best here, protecting d4 . this wasn't that bad though, as you've committed all your play towards this move so far}
{attacking the weakness thanks to your pawn being on g4 not g3 }
6. 0-0
{just bad at this point, never castle this early into a file that has a dangling pawn in front of the king. counterplay to e4 attackes the center and allows the queen to protect the g pawn}
{but since you left it dangling...}
7. d2-d4
{a decent idea a move or two late, but you're really attacking the wrong part of the center, and opening the bishop up isn't nearly as useful as opening up the queen right now.... WORSE, you're losing your pawn, and effectively losing a minor piece with it, combined with the loss of the protection on the king file. g5 is your best move here that I see. }
{free piece. yay}
8. Qd1-d3
{this is a surprisingly decent play, you might have played B-g5 and hoped i blundered, but it's not really a much better move. the knight is lost no matter what...}
{munch munch munch}
9. Bg2xh3
{this is either a flat out blunder or the classic mistake of simply recapturing for recapturing sake. you throw out a minor piece here since the Q-Q trade is effectively forced and with my rook recapture activating the piece, I gain a tempp}
10. QxQh3
{all the logical moves to follow based on (9-W)
11. Nc3-d1
{e3 to protect d4 and hence the central knight position was better. not really sure what this was supposed to do}
{free piece, and more central power. yay!}
12. e2-e3
{too late to accomplish anything, and allows me to attack the rook as you see next}
{develop piece towards active area of board, attack rook, yada yada}
13. c2-c4
{i think you forgot I could en passant this...
just moving R to e1 is better I think? }
{my only logical move... free piece, maintain rook attack, place pawn on dangerous 3rd rank}
14. Nd1xc3
{i still think this is actually your best move. I would move c3-c2 next if you moved the rook out of the way}
{so what else should I do here? material gain ftw at this point}
15. Kg1xf1
{your only correct move here}
15.. Rh3xh2
{keep rook active, take free piece, put more pressure on your king, etc}
16. Nc3-e2
{deactivating a piece, not sure what this does, why not Kg1 and force my rook back a bit?}
{let's just bring another piece to the kingside/center party}