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Offlinevagazzling vajayjays since 1876!!
I gotta get off the intertubes
« on: February 27, 2008, 06:26:58 AM » |
Had an interesting email exchange with a colleague working in the Blader Industries Environmenta and Health Safety office, who's job is to make sure we are in compliance with OSHA and, more recently Depart of Homeland Security, regulatory mandates and other *feces* like that.
This email exchange makes me wonder if I'm picking up bad habits from the intertubes.
His email: "Mr. Blader, please review the attached signage proposed for placement on entry doors to all the corporate research facilities."
said signage in his PDF email attachment has all sorts of dire warnings listing the extreme dangers in the work environment in the research labs....radioactive materials, biosafety level 2 precautions, corrosives, cryogenic gases, thermonuclear devices, DEA regulated chemicals, ultraviolet radiation, deadly pressurized gases (CO2), carginogens, teratogens...the whole shooting match.
So I looked at this proposed warning sign of his, and then shot an email back to him:
Blader email: "Well done. It makes it look far more dangerous than it actually is. I'm sure it will scare the terrorists away."
His email response: "Thank you (I think?) but I’d rather scare the bureaucrats away."
My email back: "Yes. You are right. It will scare people like you, too"
was I bad?