Who thought it would be agreat idea to MAKE these athletes attend one year of school before going pro? I understand that to be a requirement now. (If I am wrong, feel free to delete me and move along)
I say, if the pro organizations want to take a chance on an 18 year-old with a "the world bends over on my command" attitude, then let them draft him out of high school and deal with it like a company if he tanks. Don't handicap the college with having to babysit them for a year. You know he's only doing his time before leaving. So why should he be invested in the college's reputation and repercussions after he leaves?
I am not saying USC shouldn't shoulder responsibility for taking the kid or monitoring his behavior.
Agreed. To clarify, they don't make them go to college, it's just an age requirement:
the age limit for entering the Draft will increase from 18 to 19 years of age. U.S. players must be at least one year removed from high school and 19 years of age (by the end of that calendar year) before entering the draft. An international player must turn 19 during the calendar year of the draft
But it pretty much
makes them go to college to play ball. The colleges know they are getting one and done kids so I don't have a lot of sympathy. They understand the risk/reward of having these guys who clearly aren't there for the edumacation.