The Good - just today I had a message on my answering machine about calling my banks fraud prevention hotline. I just called and just using the CallerID, they knew who I was, addressed me as such, and just had me verify the last four digits of my check card. After that was completed, she asked me if I had my check card with me and if I was currently in Spain. Yes I do, and no ma'am I am not - never been to Spain. The next question was if I had rented a car from Avis recently. Again, not I have never done business with Avis.
Well then Mr. Hicks - we need to cancel your card and get you a new one.
By now I am following my account online and can see that the pending Avis charge was threatening to overdraft on me
It turns out it was not the car rental company Avis (she just assumed it was), but some Avis Management company in Virginia placing over $1500 on my card US Bank is going to clear for me. The Spain thing was prevented in real-time - whew!
Good catch by them
, but now I have to wait a week for a new check card - and I use the *feces* out of that thing
Jeesh - just had to answer the door - at&t is freaking relentless with its U-verse service. 3rd time in the last few months. No Setanta - sigh.
The Bad - Called Charter last week when my Moxi box went coo-coo. The automated attendant asks me to enter my home phone number in - I do, it thanks me, and sends me to the queue. The service rep answers the call, and whats the first thing she asks me? Yep - whats my home telephone number. So I give it - again. Then she asks me what the problem is and as I'm explaining it she interrupts and asks me if I have a DVR. WTF!? Nevermind that its what I was explaining was the problem - but why take my number - twice - if you're not going to look at my account and see wtf I have??? Who's running this goat rodeo anyway??!!
So I have to tell her what I have, she wants me to go through the basics, which I assure her I've already done - twice. She tells me that if it doesn't work to call back and they'll schedule a tech to come out. I told her to schedule one now (this was Sunday night, fairly late). She didn't argue any further and got an appointment Tuesday - not too bad given their history. So they barely survive again - but only for a few months - its DirectTV come August (shut up Uisce!) - gettin Setanta baby!